Our Zero Tolerance Policy
By registering your son/daughter in our Club-Academy, you have agreed to abide by our Rules and Regulations. Furthermore, we have our own Club Rules and Regulations (The Zero Tolerance Policy) that MUST be adhered to as well. Violation of our Club-Academy Rules could include fines, penalties, and or expulsions depending on the severity. The Zero-Tolerance Policy is in full effect year round and governs the actions of everybody including coaches, administrators, Managers, players, parents, relatives and friends who cannot behave properly. We take this matter very serious!!!
Policies & Penalties
All salaried head and assistant coaches who receive a red card could forfeit up to one month’s salary to the Club’s general account or perform volunteer Club – Academy service at the discretion of the Director. If it happens a second time they could forfeit the right to coach in our Club-Academy and be removed as a team administrator. Volunteer coaches could be fined up to $200 by the Club for the same infraction above. NOTE: All fines must be received within one week of the infraction or risk ever coaching again in this Club-Academy. Furthermore, any coach that is found to be disruptive in any way to his / her team, or to the Club-Academy and does not represent the Club-Academy to the highest standard, also forfeits the right to be registered in our Club-Academy and will be removed and replaced immediately. This includes any coach that enters into negotiations to move a team or individual players to another Club or Academy.
- Any team administrator who receives a red card could also be fined $200. If it happens a second time they could also be removed as an administrator. Any team administrator that is found to be disruptive in any way to his / her team, or to the Club-Academy and does not represent the Club-Academy to the highest standard, also forfeits the right to be registered in our Club-Academy and will be removed and replaced immediately. This includes any team administrator that enters into negotiations to move a team or individual players to another Club or academy or uses team account money for personal use.
- Any parent, relative, friend, etc. who cannot control themselves and abuses the refs or anyone else for that matter, forfeits the right to be anywhere near or on the sideline for the next game. If they are unwilling to abide by this rule, their daughter / son / etc. will not be allowed to play until they are compliant. If it happens a second time they will not be allowed to attend any games the rest of the season. If they cannot abide by these rules their daughter / son / etc. will not be allowed to play until they have been removed from the premises.
- Any coach, administrator, parent, relative, friend, etc. that consumes alcoholic beverages, drugs or cigarettes at or near a practice or game field, or around the team, forfeits the right to be anywhere near or on the sideline per the same terms as listed above in Rule #3.
- Any player who receives a red card forfeits the right to start the first game back once he or she is eligible to play again, NO MATTER WHAT! They may also face further suspension by the club depending on the severity of the red card.
- All Team uniforms, training gear & sweat outfits MUST be ordered by Toronto Blizzar or BDA or through our CLUBS Online Store. – NO EXCEPTIONS!! All ordering is the responsibility of the team administrators. Any team administrator that violates this rule by purchasing team gear elsewhere or by using non-club approved gear will be removed and replaced immediately.
- Any Team that violates the Zero-Tolerance Policy and does not represent the Club to the highest standards, nor abide by our rules and regulations, could be suspended from further competitions representing BDA and will not be allowed to register in our Club-Academy for the following season.
Thank you for your cooperation & understanding ,
The Directors of Toronto Blizzard and Blizzard Development Academy