Spotlight: Blizzard graduate Isabella Brancati
Isabella Brancati Story As a young goalkeeper playing club soccer in Brampton, Isabella Brancati struggled with her confidence. “I remember when...
Phil Casella, Head Coach, Women’s Soccer, Wagner College, NY
Casella / Wagner College One might think that American college soccer coaches devote just a few months of the year to their programs during the...
Interview “On The Ball” with Christina Romanelli at the 360 Soccer Centre
On The Ball Report interviews Christina Romanelli, Junior Blizzard Technical Director at the 360 Soccer Centre in Vaughan, Toronto, Canada.
Spotlight: Hailey Knapp
Hailey’s story On a Saturday afternoon in mid-December during a regular weekend training session with the Toronto Blizzard Academy, Hailey...
Spotlight: Blizzard graduate Cyerra Hibbert
Cyerra Hibbert Story By the time she reached high school, Toronto Blizzard alumnus Cyerra Hibbert was laser focused on a path that would...
Q@A with Special Guest Goalkeeper Coach Max Colucci
Max Colucci When scouting youth players, what key physical attributes are you looking for? A goalkeeper’s physical build is fundamental. If we look at the top level of international leagues, goalkeepers are generally quite tall, most are at least 1,90m (6 feet, 3...
Spotlight: Blizzard graduate Chiara Canini
Chiara’s story Having dealt with plenty of adversity so far through her young playing career, Blizzard alumnus Chiara Canini reflected on the past...
Joe Parolini Turns Over some Balls to On The Ball Report
Joe Parolini Turns Over some Balls to On The Ball Report
Interview “On The Ball” with Mark McKoy at the 360 Soccer Centre
On The Ball Report interviews Mark McKoy, Blizzard Strength & Conditioning Coach at the 360 Soccer Centre in Vaughan, Toronto, Canada.
Interview “On The Ball” with Joe Parolini at the 360 Soccer Centre
On The Ball Report interviews Joe Parolini at the 360 Soccer Centre in Vaughan, Toronto, Canada.